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Savoy che Manda email????

Aperto da lu, 07 Febbraio 2008, 17:33:06

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  • ( ) )======D
  • Messaggi: 1.743
Ragazzi non sò nel TAF mi è arrivata un email dove Savoy vuole che almeno 2 italiani vadano a Las vegas con lui e Sinn...è arrivata solo a mè..o anche a voi...cioè sta cosa è strana...Scusate se la posto nel TAF non posso postarla....

andate nella vostra posta e vedete se è arrivata anche a voi... :O
- Io appartengo al Guerrierio in cui la vecchia via si è unita alla nuova

- Non esiste sconfitta nel cuore di chi LOTTA!

Sempre nel mio Heart.


  • SI-Creators
  • Messaggi: 4.842
Mi è arrivata... che spammoni eh?
"Sunbeam: il porco per antonomasia." -TermYnator
"Mai sottovalutare la stupidità femminile." -ex ragazza


  • Messaggi: 33


  • Messaggi: 30
anche a me è arrivata!!!

ottimo, ragazzi al posto di Roma... LAS VEGAS!!!!!

vi immaginate se ci presentiamo là in 20 cazzuti italiani?!?!?! ahahah, gli facciamo vedere che sono PUA solo perchè le hb sono più facili da loro!!! ahahah

Solo i mediocri sono sempre al loro meglio...


  • SI-Creators
  • Messaggi: 4.842
A me è arrivata ma è la pubblicità di sta superconference (ci saranno tutti i maggiori pua, tranne mystery), ma non mi sembra di aver letto riferimenti a italiani...

Dove l'avete letto voi?
"Sunbeam: il porco per antonomasia." -TermYnator
"Mai sottovalutare la stupidità femminile." -ex ragazza


  • Messaggi: 205
a me questo è arrivato

"Hey man,

I'm not sure if you heard, but a bunch of us are going to be partying in Las Vegas in a couple of weeks (February 22-24). By a bunch of us, I meant the top pickup artists from around the world - me, Sinn, The Don, Tenmagnet, Cajun, Fader, Braddock, Sheriff, Mr. M, Moxie, Rokker, etc...all of The Mystery Method and Love Systems instructors. And Brad P will be coming too. And Badboy. And Pickup 101. And Carlos Xuma. And Speer. And Thundercat. And more. Never have so many competitors come together like this.

Anyway, we're going to be partying together, hanging out with the guys, and meeting women. And also teaching seduction. And as a member of The Attraction Forums, I want YOU to come with us.

We did something kind of like this two years ago - it was an awesome experience for everyone even if the conference itself was only just kind of a regular bootcamp with more guys. I remember pulling a girl back to the hotel at 5am (I was working pretty slow because I kept getting distracted by students' sets and just having fun) and seeing some of the students in set at the bar at our hotel ...then around 6am, I walk her out, and the same guys were there. So we went to a strip club. Let me tell you, 6am is not the time to be gaming strippers, but I had a blast teaching stripper game anyway. When we finally got back, I saw a suspicious number of women in club clothes leaving the hotel, from different students' and instructors' rooms. You know what Vegas is like .

I'm really excited about this weekend because what we're doing during the day - for three full days - is also really exciting. In addition to what you'd usually get a bootcamp, we're teaching Day Game, Stripper Game, Threesomes, Inner Game, Frame Control, Advanced Attraction, Advanced Qualification, Advanced Comfort, Preventing Flaking, Breakthrough Comfort, One Night Stands, Relationship Management, Approach Anxiety, and more. And we'll be showing - for the first and only time - live pickup videos of me picking up hot girls. So we'll break down film just like a football game and look at exactly what happened and why. So we'll run game together live AND study it in the video room. There's a full agenda and signup link at (broken link)

We have a new focus on Leaving No Man Behind. I want you at the SuperConference. Write me back (to me personally) and tell me that I'll see you there, so we can start on your pre-weekend training. Or email me at And if you're not coming, I want to know why not.

Savoy (Nick)

P.S. You can get the full weekend details (and sign up) at (broken link)

P.S. If you're wondering why I'm doing this, you can thank Cajun. We're all so thrilled for him. Last year, he was a student just like you. He came to Tenmagnet's bootcamp. Now he won on Keys to the VIP (check out the video at (broken link)). Both Tenmagnet and Cajun (who is now an instructor) will be in Vegas of course. By the end of the SuperConference, I want to have trained an army of Cajuns.

PPS MVA your dick is so big, i ve 3 hb10 ready to do a soffocotto to you"
Ultima modifica: 30 Marzo 2017, 23:51:36 di Seduzione Italiana


  • SI-Creators
  • Messaggi: 4.842
Citazione di: Mva il 07 Febbraio 2008, 23:49:49
PPS MVA your dick is so big, i ve 3 hb10 ready to do a soffocotto to you"

Oddio mwahahahahahhahhahhaha :lol: ahahahahahhahhahhahahhha
"Sunbeam: il porco per antonomasia." -TermYnator
"Mai sottovalutare la stupidità femminile." -ex ragazza


  • Messaggi: 973
Mo' gli mando un pm dicendogli che invece delle HB10 mi può mandare quei 5.000 dollari necessari per il tutte le spese  ::)
quelle sue faccine da msn umane che riesce a fare sono assurde © Lù

è molto cambiato da quando l'ho visto la prima volta, ottimo autocontrollo e tratta chiunque:pua,sof,ug,hb come persone e le fa sentire bene © Knives

un Vero uomo dal profilo umano , sempre sorridente energia alle stelle..mi ha sempre fatto spaccare dalle risate © Lù

Nerd © Zlatan

SOF © Kant

pu**ana!!! © La migliore amica

BAU!!! © Il cane