Sulla creazione di routine (in inglese)

Aperto da Captain Cool, 15 Agosto 2008, 19:23:02

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Captain Cool

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Ho anche postato quest'articolo sul forum di Mystery e volevo condividerlo con voi. Pitix m'ha detto che non è un problema di postarlo in inglese.
Voglio ancora dire che non dovete inchiodarvi sulle routine. Routine sono un mezzo, non una pillola magica.
e oltre à ciò, che cosa dirai quando non hai più delle routine?
ho qualche routine che utilizzo puramente quando non so più qualcosa dire al momento o perché mi piacciono usarle.


Being a real PUA also consists in the creating of your own routines. When you're just copying stories from other PUA's you're not a real PUA in my opinion but a CCA (copycat artist).
There's also the risk that your target has already heard the story.
To avoid such unpleasant and even awkward situations it is best you come up with your own material.
But that's far from easy, not everyone thinks of himself as a literary talent.
The fact is that you don't have to be a Roald Dahl or Dan Brown to make good routines.
I'm not saying that everybody is capable of creating new literary masterpieces, but you should be able to write successful routines.
Because not everybody has experience with this, or because some people have still problems with this, I will give you some tips and an example.

-   Every time when something funny happens to you, write it down, and adjust it (make it funnier if necessary). Often the funniest things are the things that happened close to home. Of course these things could have happened in a foreign country, which is a very good DHV by the way. I do recommend you to write/tell about places where you have actually been. If you're telling of this one time you were robbed by a hobo in Paris, and the hb you're talking to has been in Paris last summer, you should be very lucky or a very good talker, or (and most likely) the hb will see through you.
She will think of you as a bragger and liar and it's game over.
-   Write about their world: fashion, love, shopping, feelings, dancing, jealousy and other crap. They (normally) don't give a rat's ass about football, beer, video games and other interesting topics.
-   Make sure your story contains humour! Tell it to your friends (both male and female) first to see whether it's actually funny or not. Sometimes something is much funnier on the moment and when you tell it to others later, it isn't that funny anymore.
-   Add DHV-spikes, things which make you look good and convey nice/cool character traits (preselection, leader of men,...). This one time when you puked all over your friend can be very funny indeed, but the image of a vomiting you is not very attractive.
-   Keep it realistic! Sure you can make up some things and pile it up a little, but make sure it remains realistic! The last reaction you want to get is "yeah...sure..."
-   Possibly (but not necessarily) you can involve her (and her friends) by asking questions.
-   Take her on an emotional rollercoaster. When she experiences different feelings with you on a short amount of time you create rapport.
-   Mention stuff which invite her to ask questions. (e.g. "This one time in Italy", "when I bought my video camera" , "when I was writing my book",...). This way you let her invest in the conversation.
-   Practice it before using it in the field. Pay attention to intonation, mimic, language and intelligibility. Practice in front of the mirror, film it and then use it in the field. Make sure you know it well, because when you're in the middle of your routine and you don't remember what to say next, prepare to crash and burn.
-   Keep adjusting your routine(s). Leave out the less funny bits and replace them with funnier ones.
-   Be prepared to sacrifice your routine: if the hb's don't like it, drop it and think of other things.
-   Do not use too deep or too subtle humour. Not all hb's have a sense of humour, keep that in mind. Beware, don't make it too cheap and coarse.

To demonstrate all this, a home-made example.

CC: do you love dancing?
Hb: yes!
CC: don't you just hate it when there is no room to dance. Or when they're pushing you?
Hb: yeah
CC: I came up with a solution.
Hb: oh really? Do tell please.
CC: Well, most of the time it are men who are pushing you or just standing in your way, just like statues. They don't get it that people need space to dance.
Hb: yeah, indeed.
CC: so, when I feel a man pushing in my back I do the following: I turn around, give him an affectionate look, touch my lips with my tongue and wink. Mostly they leave.
Hb: hahahahaha!
CC: Mostly, because this one time this guy smiled back at me. Then I recommend you to go dance somewhere else.
Hb: hahahaha!
CC: oh, but wait a're a girl...for you it probably has the opposite effect...
Hb: yeah indeed.
CC: let me think...(pause) Oh, I know what to do!
Hb: tell me!
CC: so when you feel someone pushing in your back, turn around, give him an affectionate look, wink and say in his ear with your deepest voice: "ever had a transsexual?"
Hb: hahahaha!
CC: and when he says "yes" or "no, but I want to" say: "fine, but you have to know that they still need to remove one little thing..."
Hb: hahahaha!
CC: and when he still wants to make sweet love to you, run for your life, come to me and I will protect you.
Hb: okay!

I have received almost no bad reactions on this routine. Sometimes they feel slightly offended because they think you think they look like a transvestite, but you can neg or soothe them on this. ("I was just giving an example, I'm trying to help you here"...or 'probably it are your hands, they look quite masculine")
And if they don't see what's so funny they don't have a good sense of humour, thus not my type of girl (admit it, who wants a sourpuss?) and I eject.

To summarize and conclude I'll show you the good elements in this routine:
-   their world: dancing
-   rollercoaster of emotions: do you love to dance, do you hate it
-   curiosity: do tell!
-   Interactivity: you ask them questions first
-   You distinguish yourself from other men and you make them look bad: they're standing like statues on the dance floor. You're different: you're having fun and you understand women (they need space to dance).
-   Preselection: women and men think you're hot
-   Neg: for you it probably has the opposite effect
-   Humour: the solution you're giving is hilarious
-   Protection: if it doesn't work, you'll protect her
I hope you feel it tickle and start writing immediately...
Just kidding, not immediately, but think about it: the amount of time you invest in learning other men's routines can also be invested in writing your own routines.
The student becomes the master.



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Citazione di: Captain Cool il 15 Agosto 2008, 19:23:02
Ho anche postato quest'articolo sul forum di Mystery e volevo condividerlo con voi. Pitix m'ha detto che non è un problema di postarlo in inglese.

Pitix è uno dei miei preferiti, ma se lo chiedevi a me ti mordevo un orecchio:
questo è un forum in italiano, frequentato da italiani.
Se avessi postato il TermYpensiero in svedese (lingua da me perfettamente conosciuta per motivi che terrò segreti per non fare inutili dhv  ;D)
quante volte mi avresti mandato a "quel paese"?
Indi, translate for me and other people who ignore english and want tromb italian pussy.


Ultima modifica: 24 Agosto 2008, 03:33:46 di TermYnator
- Vuoi informazioni sui miei corsi di seduzione? -
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- Per richieste di moderazione clicca QUI -

Et maintenant, en route vers de nouvelles aventures


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Citazione di: TermYnator il 24 Agosto 2008, 03:32:08
Se avessi postato il TermYpensiero in svedese (lingua da me perfettamente conosciuta per motivi che terrò segreti per non fare inutili dhv  ;D)
si vede che sei un maestro dei tarli... ;)

Citazione di: TermYnator il 24 Agosto 2008, 03:32:08
Indi, translate for me and other people who ignore english and want tromb italian pussy.
sei un gandissimo. punto.  ;D
First we get the talkin, then we get the touchin
If we get pass the phone games we'll be fuckin
-50 Cent